Where Do I Buy a Weathered Heirloom Scabbard
I've decided to make a guide on Leveling Heirlooms since I did not find any quick guides for it. This is my first guide, so please feel free to give some constructive feedback
What are Heirlooms:
Heirlooms are items which stats scale with your character's level, reducing the need to replace gear whose stats are becoming too low for your level.
Heirloom Collections Tab:
A new Heirloom system has been introduced in 6.1, adding all your heirlooms to your Collections, where they can be easily accessed without having to mail the heirlooms to other characters. Already earned heirlooms will be added to the collection once you have logged in with the character that has the heirlooms in their bank/bag. Any newly purchased heirlooms will automatically be added to your collection.
To use a heirloom, simply find and click on it in the Heirlooms tab, and it will be placed in your inventory, and then equip it. You can also recreate the same heirloom if you want to dual-wield it, or have two trinkets or rings of the same type.
Heirlooms can be divided into the following 4 categories, based on what stats they give:
Strength-Haste - Gear for Melee damage dealers that requires more haste than crit.
These pieces were the tanking pieces, but the Parry/Dodge stats were changed in 6.0 Strength-Crit - Gear for Melee damage dealers that requires more crit than haste.
Agility - Gear for Melee+Ranged damage dealers
Intellect - Gear for Spell-caster Damage Dealers and Healers
There are also subcategories for armor types, like Cloth, Leather, Mail and Plate.
There are also subcategories for slots, like Chest, Shoulder, Leggings, Weapons etc
How to buy Leveling Heirlooms:
Heirlooms can be brought with the following currencies:
Gold (g)
Burning Blossoms (Midsummer Fire Festival)
Tricky Treat (Hallow's End)
Coin of Ancestry (Lunar Festival)
Mark of Honor (PvP)
Timewarped Badge (Timewalking)
From these vendors:
Head, Shoulder, Chest, Cloak and Pants pieces cost 500 gold / 50 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 25 Champion's Seals
One-handed weapons (except the fist weapons) cost 650 gold / 50 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 25 Champion's Seals
Two-handed weapons cost 750 gold / 75 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 40 Champion's Seals
Off-hand weapons cost 500 gold / 50 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 25 Champion's Seals
Trinkets cost 700 gold / 70 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 35 Champion's Seals
The New Neck pieces cost 700 gold
Once you have brought a new heirloom, it's starting level range will be from level 1 to 60, meaning it will stop to scale up once you have reached level 60. This level cap can be increased twice by upgrading the piece with these tokens.
Armor (1-90): Ancient Heirloom Armor Casing costs 100 gold / 100 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 55 Champion's Seals / 2000 Honor
Weapon (1-90): Ancient Heirloom Scabbard costs 1200 gold / 120 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 65 Champion's Seals / 2400 Honor
List of Heirlooms per Category
Strength-Haste Plate (Warrior / Paladin / Death Knights)
Shield: Flamescarred Draconian Deflector
Strength-Crit Plate (Warrior / Paladin / Death Knights)
Agility Mail (Hunter, Enhancement Shaman)
Intellect Mail (Elemental/Restoration Shaman, Holy Paladins)
Agility Leather (Rogue, Feral Druid, Windwalker Monk. To a lesser extent Enhancement Shamans and Hunters)
(Enhancement Shamans can use this)
Intellect Leather (Balance/Restoration Druids, Mistweaver Monk)
Intellect Cloth (Mage, Priest, Warlock)
Collecting 35 heirlooms will reward you with a Chauffeured Chopper, which can be used as a mount from level 1.
Edited by Archimage
Where Do I Buy a Weathered Heirloom Scabbard
Source: https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/3994-heirloom-guide/
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